
Program |
Tuesday, Nov, 21
Computational Aerothermodynamics
V A Frost
Spectrograms of one-dimensional isotropic turbulence
A V Dmitrenko
Results of the investigations of non-isothermal turbulent flows based on stochastic equations of the continuum and equivalence of measures
S T Surzhikov
Analysis of the turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate at M=6?8.8 with the use of NERAT-2D code and algebraic turbulence models
M Yu Timokhin, I E Ivanov and I A Kryukov
Numerical modeling of nozzle gas flow using continuum approach in transition regime
D S Yatsukhno
Computational study of the waverider aerothermodynamics by the UST3D computer code
S T Surzhikov
Calculation analysis of the experimental data of HIFiRE-I using the computer code NERAT-2D
A S Kryuchkova
Numerical simulation of a flow over blunted cylinder-flare configuration
Lunch break
Experimental Aerothermodynamics
E Loktionov, V Telekh
Application of polarization interferometry to plasma diagnostics
A A Markov and I A Filimonov
Model of thermal radiation using heat absorption by CO2 in submicron pores with application to magnesium-zinc ferrite fine disperse particles synthesis via combustion
V E Mosharov, V N Radchenko, I V Senuev, M A Kotov, L B Ruleva, S I Solodovnikov and S T Surzhikov
Preliminary experimental results of heat flux surface field registration at the hypersonic aerodynamic shock tube using temperature sensitive paint
Wednesday, Nov, 22
Physical Gasdynamics
A S Dikalyuk
Validation of Numerical Model of Penning Gas Discharge based on 2D/3V PIC-MCC Method
V O Gumennov, A S Dikalyuk
Calculation a Penning plasma discharge characteristics taking into account the magnetic field produced by annular magnets
D S Shidlovski, A E Mukhanov
Comparison of the stabilized jellium model and the model with fixed point ions
G V Gembarzhevskii, A K Lednev and K Yu Osipenko
Asymmetric wake from two closely located cylinders within the framework of one-dimensional model
S A Vasilevskii, A F Kolesnikov, A I Bryzgalov, S E Yakush
Computation of inductively coupled air plasma flow in the torches
A. Yu. Mikulin, S. I. Glazyrin, S. E. Kuratov
Effect of reaction products kinetic on stability of thermonuclear spark ignition
S A Lychev, G V Kostin, K G Koifman and T N Lycheva
Modeling and Optimization of Layer-by-Layer Structures
Lunch break
Experimental Aerothermodynamics
P V Kozlov, M A Kotov, L B Ruleva, S I Solodovnikov and S T Surzhikov
Normal glow discharge investigation in inert gases and nitrogen between flat electrodes with 20 mm of discharge gap
I A Ivanov, M A Kotov, I A Kryukov, L B Ruleva and S I Solodovnikov
Investigation of gas dynamic parameters of the conical nozzle block functioning in the Hypersonic Aerodynamic Shock Tube
M A Kotov, L B Ruleva, S I Solodovnikov and S T Surzhikov
Preliminary experimental assessment of supersonic airflow behavior over ExoMars and X-43 inlet models using multiple flow regime shock tube
Thursday, Nov, 23
Magneto- and Radiative Gas Dynamics
S A Rashkovskiy, S E Yakush and Baranov
Combustion stability in a solid-fuel ramjet engine
S V Chalov
Determination of the direction of the interstellar medium motion relative to the Sun by measurements of interstellar pickup ion helium
Ya.V. Khankhasaeva, V.E. Borisov, A.E. Lutsky
Numerical Study of the Supersonic Base Flow around Aircraft Model
D A Storozhev
Numerical simulation of the underexpanded plume spectral radiance using Monte-Carlo method
G S Makeich, I A Kryukov
Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics Simulation of Basic Finner Supersonic Flight in Aeroballistic Experiment
P Silvestrov and O Bessonov
Development of a visualization module for scientific computations
Lunch break
Magneto- and Radiative Gas Dynamics
I A Koryukov and A I Kryukov
Three-dimensional calculation of the aerothermodynamics of a double cone 25°/55° on an unstructured grid
P I Vysikaylo and M A Korotkova
Determination of the Sun's charge by the parameters of heavy ions in the solar wind
N A Kharchenko
Aerothermodynamics calculation of the EXPERT reentry flight vehicle
N A Kharchenko, M A Kotov
Analysis of the high speed gas flow over a sphere in the range of Mach numbers 2-12
Friday, Nov, 24
Physical-Chemical Processes and Heat Transfer
R K Selesnev
History of scramjet propulsion development
S T Surzhikov
Ionization of air in flow around a blunt wedge at relatively low hypersonic speeds
S A Rashkovskiy
Boron particle agglomeration and formation of solid residues in combustion of boron-containing solid propellants
R K Selesnev
Validation of two-dimensional model by the example of a supersonic inlet-isolator
R K Selesnev
Validation of 3D model by the example of a supersonic inlet-isolator
P V Kozlov
Experimental study of the evolution of NO radiation in the air up to second cosmic velocity
Lunch break
Physical-Chemical Processes and Heat Transfer
S E Kuratov, D S Shidlovski, S I Blinnikov
Inhomogeneous Spatial Distribution of Electrons in a Compressed Gas Bubble of Submicron Size
S A Gubin, S I Sumskoi
Relaxation processes in detonation products and formation of multi-front wave structures
R K Selesnev
Numerical study of the flow structure in the supersonic inlet-isolator
S T Surzhikov
Normal glow discharge between curvilinear electrodes